
Movie Discussion - America: From Freedom to Fascism

This forum topic will hold my overview of the Aaron Russo movie, America: From Freedom to Fascism, based on the notes I took and whatever else come up.

Open Message to the U.S. Congress - Just Say NO to Thieves and Their Bribes

Dear Congress,

Turn away from the thieves and their bribes to face your constituents, who elect you to represent them, who expect and demand that you obey the oath you swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

Our enemies are bribing you to break your oaths, to violate the Constitution, and to act against us for their own benefit. Perhaps they have made no oath to defend our country and uphold our laws, but you have.

Your treasonous, anti-American actions to date have severely eroded the economy, sovereignty, morality, and industry of America. Your consistent failure to act in defense of our God-given rights has handed our lives, children, health, property, animals, and other resources over to private, self-serving corporations.

Essential Issues: Evils With Which There Can Be No Tolerance Or Compromise

Anyone who believes there is no objective reality will probably be comfortable within the Democrat Party or the Republican Party or both, so hopefully everyone interested in the Reform Party will be able to agree that there are objective truths that are true even if nobody believes them, and are right even if everyone says they are wrong.

Issue Idea / Flyer Idea - We Need Mature, Responsible Candidates

We Need Mature, Responsible Candidates

a) Liberal politicians (as well as liberal lobbyists) seem intent of preventing traditional methods of effective child training.

b) Instead of controlling public spending to prevent going "bankrupt" (as we voting tax-payers would go broke if we over-spent our own budgets), spend-thrift legislators spend not only more money than they have - the taxes collected from us - but even more money than we have, as illustrated by the courts demanding 100s of millions more in taxes from us than even our representatives are willing to require of us and still show their faces for reelection.

Issue Idea - On Career Politicians Serving Themselves

We pay (involuntarily through taxes) people to work on new ways to regulate our activity and are left with no money to support people who would help stay informed of these efforts and mobilize a large enough resistence to such new regulations.

Here and there, certain new proposals of regulations are shocking enough to cause a sufficient negative reaction to stop them for the moment. If that negative reaction can't be managed (by the media, normally) to prevent it from stopping the proposal, then it is simply tabled for later, when it can be tried again. Seldom is a second wave of negative reaction to a regulation large enough to stop it (or at to overcome attempts to manage the reaction).

Issue Idea - Kansas Leadership Should Focus on Kansans - Not Big Corporations

Why does Kansas court specific high-profile national corporations and yet at the same time tax and regulate the local families and businesses of Kansans into oblivion?

Short answer:
Kansas Government takes Kansans for granted.

IT’S THE LAW! Feds Pave the Way to TOLL and PRIVATIZE the Interstate Highways as Part of AMERICAN UNION

On July 29, 2005, President Bush signed a bill which permits and promotes the charging of tolls on existing and planned interstate highways, bridges, and tunnels. Before the passage of the bill, known as SAFETEA-LU, or “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users”, it was generally illegal to charge tolls on roads built with Federal funds. What’s more, the tolls collected will be automatic, requiring universally compatible toll transponder tags on every vehicle.

SAFETEA-LU makes possible a variety of programs, all aimed at forcing Americans to pay to travel.

Movie in Overland Park - America: From Freedom to Fascism

2025-01-08 04:30
2025-01-08 04:30

Movie in Olathe - America: From Freedom to Fascism

2025-01-08 04:30
2025-01-08 04:30



It opens July 28th, 2006, at AMC Studio 30 Olathe
12075 So. Strang Line Rd. Olathe Ks (816) 363-4AMC

It also shows on Aug.4, 2006, at GLENWOOD ARTS
9575 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park Ks (913) 642-4404

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