Police State, National ID Card / REAL ID Act

Join Me in Faxing Congress to Reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized "Health" Care Bill

I faxed the following message to several US Representatives and Senators, in my name, and in the name of others that agree.

Please let me know if you want me to send similar faxes to the some or all of the Representatives and Senators on your behalf. Join me in telling them to reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized, Abortion-Funding, Taxing-and-Arresting, End-of-Life-Counseling, Insurance- and Pharmaceutical-Company-Pleasing, Criminally Fraudulent "Health" Care Bill.

Body of Faxed Message

RE: REJECT Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized "Health" Care!

You can Still Stop the Attempt to Force Socialized Health Care with Government-Mandated Health Insurance on American Men and Women and Businesses.

The Plans currently being Pushed by the Democratic Leadership on Behalf of Major Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies would Impose Rationing through Un-Elected Committees; Force All Americans to Buy High-Priced, Low-Quality, Politically-Created Health Insurance; Establish "End-of-Life" Panels that Recommend Despair and Death; Create an Economically Unsustainable Government-Run Insurance Plan that Will Force Small, Private Companies out of Business; Use Taxpayer Funds to Insure Illegal Aliens; and Impose Economy-Crushing Taxes and Liberty-Killing Prison-Terms.

In Pursuing this Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Corporate-Monopoly-Building Bill, the Tactics for Obtaining Support for this Bill have been Secrecy, Back-Room Deals, Extortion, "Cash for Cloture," and Other Illegal Political Pay-Offs -- Exposing the Bald-Faced Lies that the Health-Care Debates would be Open and Transparent, and Ignoring the Polls showing that the Majority of Americans are OPPOSED to ANY Attempts to Impose Government-Controlled and Mandated Health-Care.

In Your Oath of Office, You Swore to Defend the Constitution Against All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, Including Those that Bribe Elected Officials for Their Own Interests.

Emergency Alert! Instruct Senators to Vote NO on O-No-Care S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (The Happy Insurance Companies Act)

[This Page|Printable PDF Flyer|Text from O-No-Care S.1796]

Stop S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (aka The Happy Insurance Companies Act aka ObamaCare aka PelosiCare)!

Regarding coverage of abortions: It assures that there will be at least one plan that covers abortions that are prohibited from receiving federal funding! Nice contradiction in a federal bill.

Regarding the power of Congress to impose this fascist assault on our liberties and the Constitution: Pelosi said (of course) that the power is from the "Commerce Clause", and yet I do not see any reference to employers or employees being involved in interstate commerce or not.

  1. Call your SOBs (Servants Of Bankers) at 877 SOB U SOB - Call once for each Senator: ask by name and/or state.
  2. Tell his/her staffer that you are instructing the Senator to vote against this unconstitutional assault upon our personal rights and liberties, upon the privacy of Americans and our employers, and upon state sovereignty.
  3. Tell the staffer that residents and businesses in your state are not the slaves of the federal government, and that they will not be obliged to follow this unconstitutional seizure of power that was never granted to the federal government.
  4. Tell the staffer that you will work to instruct your state legislators to oppose enactment of this unconstitutional, illegal act in your state, and also to instruct them to impeach any Senator from your state that supported or voted for this assault upon the very Constitution that every Senator swears an oath to defend and uphold.

Call 877 SOB U SOB early and often to instruct our SOBs in D.C.

2008 State Convention / Nominating Caucus - Announcement and Invitation

[RPKS Conventions|Page Link|Printable Announcement|Printable Invitation]

Please join us for the 2008 State Convention and Candidate Nominating Caucus of the Reform Party of Kansas!

Where: Puffy's Steak and Ice House
215 Main St.
Maple Hill, KS  66507-9400
Maps: Google Maps - Mapquest
When: Saturday, May 31st, 2008
10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Hour Lunch Break around Noon
RSVP: rsvp@votekansas.org

National Grassroots Demonstration (NGD) - Home/DC Offices of Congress/Senate - May 1, 2008 or May 2, 2008

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2025-03-04 04:46

[Printable PDF]


  • To solve serious USA problems of jobs exported/out-sourced, illegal immigration/drugs, terrorism, trade/budget deficits, credit card debt problems, etc.
  • To greatly reduce and stabilize gasoline prices (e.g. regular 87 octane close to $1.25 to $1.30 per gallon), utility bills, transportation/other energy costs.
  • To improve USA sovereignty and solve other related non-peaceful national and world problems.

WHEN: May 1st or 2nd - Between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

URGENT ISSUES: Emphasize the Following Urgent Issues; demand a prompt, written response and the following legislative actions:

  1. By 5/15/2008, pass legislation to eliminate the REAL ID Act of 2005, helping solve illegal immigration and keep Mexico's Trucking Companies from having any of their trucks coming beyond the current 2-25 mile limit into the U.S.A. where they exchange freight with U.S.A. trucks. President Bush should enact this legislation by 5/19/2008. By 5/28/2008, the U.S.A. Congress and President Bush should enact the Absolute Advantage Foreign Trade Policy (at least for Mexico) explained below in Urgent Issues 2 and 3.

Ten Quick Steps to Destroy America

I work with the Amish community, which is being destroyed by NAIS, I blog about the issues and conditions of our country, and I write reference pages about more complex issues in such a way that they are accessible to everyone, interesting, and useful to help explain important points to anyone.

KS Says NO to NAU - State Rep. Judy Morrison - Hearing on Resolution against KS Participation in North American Union

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2025-03-04 04:46

Hearing on a resolution against KS participation in the North American Union!
[Printable PDF Flyer]

There is a hearing on a resolution by Judy Morrison at the KS state house on St. Patrick's Day, Monday, Mar 17, 2008, at 1:30 PM Central time in room 313-S (third floor, south wing, the "old supreme court room"). The resolution is supposed to be against KS participation in the NAU/SPP.

Please let everyone know about the meeting. Perhaps bring some medium sized posters with anti-NAU, pro-American sovereignty themes.

National Grassroots Demonstration (NGD) - Home/DC Offices of Congress/Senate - Jan. 15, 2008 or Jan. 16, 2008

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2025-03-04 04:46

[Printable PDF]


  • To solve serious USA problems of jobs exported/out-sourced, illegal immigration/drugs, terrorism, trade/budget deficits, credit card debt problems, etc.
  • To greatly reduce and stabilize gasoline prices (e.g. regular 87 octane close to $1.25 to $1.30 per gallon), utility bills, transportation/other energy costs.
  • To improve USA sovereignty and solve other related non-peaceful national and world problems.

WHEN: Jan. 15th or 16th - Between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

URGENT ISSUES: Emphasize the Following Urgent Issues; demand a prompt, written response and the following legislative actions:

  1. By 2/5/2008, pass legislation to eliminate the REAL ID Act of 2005, helping solve illegal immigration and keep Mexico's Trucking Companies from having any of their trucks coming beyond the current 2-25 mile limit into the U.S.A. where they exchange freight with U.S.A. trucks. President Bush should enact this legislation by 2/9/2008. By 2/15/2008, the U.S.A. Congress and President Bush should enact the Absolute Advantage Foreign Trade Policy (at least for Mexico) explained below in Urgent Issues 2 and 3.

Highway Robbery

Amidst a firestorm of opposition to the Trans Texas Corridor the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) held the second annual Texas Transportation Forum on Wednesday, July 18 through Friday, July 20 at the downtown Hilton in Austin, Texas. The Trans Texas Corridor would be part of the planned NAFTA superhighway running from Mexico to Canada.

The forum was attended by what amounts to Texas Governor Rick Perry's constituency: highway construction companies, related contractors and sub-contractors, civil engineers, attorneys, bankers, international investors, and various state and federal bureaucrats, all seeing dollar signs in their eyes as they came together to discuss strategy and tactics aimed at conning the people of Texas into paying for their own economic and national demise by forcing Texas motorists to pay tolls on new and existing highways. Most attendees were there to promote their various business interests, but many were there to facilitate building the super-corridor system needed to make possible the North American Union — a merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a single economic, political, military, educational, and cultural entity.

Rick Perry's vision for Texas, the Trans Texas Corridor, made it through the State Legislature in 2003. H.B. 3588, the enabling bill for the Trans Texas Corridor and, hence, the largest spending bill in the state's history, became law in large part because Texas' mainstream press, used as a watchdog, was inexplicably asleep.

Chuck Baldwin - The Worst Tragedy Of The Bush Presidency

It gives me no pleasure to say that the George W. Bush presidency has been an absolute and dismal failure! In fact, the Bush II regime is worse than those of Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and even Bill Clinton. The only potential bright spot to his legacy might be a slight swing to the right to life by his two Supreme Court appointments. However, the verdict is still out on that. Take away Bush's Supreme Court picks, and there is nothing left but failure, frustration, fatigue, and futility.

On the domestic front, the Bush presidency leaves us with gargantuan growth of federal spending and meddling. Bush's obsession with spying on American citizens eclipses anything Nixon did or Clinton dreamed of doing. His Patriot Act is taken right out of the Nazi handbook, and his arrogance regarding constitutional accountability is unknown in America since at least the days of Abraham Lincoln.

Concerning foreign affairs, the Bush presidency will forever be linked to the failed and potentially fatal war in Iraq. I say fatal, because the ultimate results of Bush's obsession for war with Iraq are not yet fully realized. One thing is sure: our unconstitutional war in Iraq has created many more enemies than it has eliminated, and the overall impact on the morale of both our troops and the American citizenry rivals the effects of the Vietnam War and perhaps even surpasses them.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Senate Amnesty Betrayal: Last chance to convince Senate!

[Printable PDF]

The Senate is making their move on the Illegal Immigration Amnesty/Pardon Bill today (6/28/2007). They already got cloture with 66 votes! Two-thirds of the Senate are open traitors to the American people, and Sen. Brownback, Presidential Doubtful, was one of them.

* It gives illegal aliens fast track citizenship.
* It gives social security benefits on the first visit.
* Illegal aliens can stay here and get these perks.
* Each illegal alien can bring in 11 other family members.
* Aggravated Felons and Gang Members can become legalized by signing a piece of paper (they already routinely falsify documents; what is one more fraud?).
* In-state tuition rates at colleges are given to them.
* Back taxes not paid (for work done illegally) are forgiven for the aliens (not for Americans, not even Mexican Americans).
* It requires US Citizens to have a National ID Card to work!

The word is that George Bush wants to sign this Death to America on July 4th. They plan to push it through the House over the weekend. As a side note, if you haven't heard: George Bush has made himself dictator in any emergency he that he might declare.

Contact your Senators!

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