
Peru NAFTA Expansion Peru-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (PUFTA)

We told you about the Bush administration 'sneak attack' to shove through Peru NAFTA expansion. You responded, "TELL US MORE."
Listen to David's summary from today's call and find out how to make a difference.
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PERU NAFTA EXPANSION Peru-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (PUFTA)

2025-03-09 15:04
2025-03-09 15:04

As a recap, GOP leaders plan to force a vote on the Peru NAFTA expansion (PUFTA) just after Election Day. That's right, the fired and retired members of Congress would come back in a "lame duck" Congressional session to avoid accountability for the Peru NAFTA expansion. Call your Members of Congress now.

Flyer - Jason Littlejohn - Reform Issues

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So Whats so different about us REFORM people...

For far too long, those who have been fortunate enough to find themselves with the responsibility of being our representatives have often times grown accustomed to their appointments and often times have found that it is far better for themselves to keep a low profile and support positions that, unfortunately, ignore pressing issues of concern. As a Kansan and an American I have noticed many developments that are occuring all around us that are troubling both on a State wide and a National level. One of the true joy's in my life is my hobby as a journalist. For many years it has been my goal in life to expose problems and offer solutions. I believe that a wise thing to do is to interview people who have had success with various problems and then listen to those who have "been there and done that" .
I believe this process has been circumvented for a long time by a motivation to retain office at any cost. I want to break that mold.