NAFTA / CAFTA / FTAA / American Union, Foreign Entanglements, Socialism / Communism / Bolshevism / Other Bad Guys

Take Action - Say "No" to More Student Searches

UPDATE: On 9/20/2006, Congress passed the Student and Teacher Safety Act by voice vote! That's right: no record of who was explicitly in favor of it, and no representative objected to it. Call 202/224-3121 to ask your representative's staff to explain why he/she raised no objection to warrantless searches of students!

Students for Sensible Drug Policy is asking for your help to stop a bill that would further curtail the rights of students in public schools all across the country. The so-called “Student and Teacher Safety Act of 2006” (H.R. 5295) would make it easier for teachers and school administrators to search students’ lockers and bags for drugs and other contraband. SSDP needs your help to make sure that this bill never becomes law.

H.R. 5295 would allow school officials to search dozens or even hundreds of students based on the mere suspicion that just one student brought drugs to school. This kind of justification allowed police officers to storm a high school in Goose Creek, SC, in 2003, forcing dozens of students to the ground and pointing guns directly at their faces during a misguided raid in which no drugs were found.

This bill is nothing more than another attack on the constitutional rights of young people by the federal government. Students should never have to check their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door.
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Link to Youth Policy Action Center Page

Judy Tucker - A Pro-Life Candidate for KS State Representative, 5th District.

[Judy's Printable Flyer PDFs]

Having watched the actions of Government in her many years as a Mother and Grandparent of 2 beautiful Grandchildren, Judy is now running for KS State Representative to make our Elected Government Officials accountable to the People instead of serving the Corporations and Special Interest Groups. The fundamental problem behind the betrayer of our Elected Representatives is the large amount of Money being passed around to many Officials who do not care about We the People.

For example, Big Pharmaceutical Companies lobby for trade agreements that would enforce the international agreement called Codex Alimentarius, which will outlaw herbs and natural food supplements, only allowing them by prescription, if at all. "Big Pharma" doesn't want to see a reduction in their profits because of people keeping themselves stay healthy with healthy food and herbs; they don't want competition.

Most people are not yet aware that while laws are being passed to infringe upon our constitutional civil liberties in the name of making us safer from terrorists, our borders are not being defended from the daily invasion of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants who may well be the very terrorists of which the government and media are constantly warning us, on their way to destroy the future of our children. The contradictions in these ploicies are obvious.

Most people are not yet aware that the Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (SPP) is already nearing completion. This anti-American partnership will dissolve the borders with Canada and Mexico, eliminate security at our current national borders, and complete the destructive "free trade" agreements that have been helping U.S. factories move to Mexico for cheaper labor for over a decade: under the SPP they will be able to hire legal immigrants, avoiding those costly moving expenses.

This economic destruction, together with the so-called war on domestic terrorism, is double insanity without representation. We The People, who are supposed to control the people's government, have not asked for this. The money and power of large international corporations have the eyes and ears of our Elected Officials, directing them to ensure greater control, less competition, and increased profits for their wealthy sponsors.

Joy Holt - Reform Candidate for U.S. Congress, 4th District, Kansas

[Joy's Printable Flyer PDFs]

In 1992, she worked on the Ross Perot for President Petition Drive and Perot's campaign as an Independent Presidential Candidate.

From 1993 to 1996, she was a volunteer in United We Stand America (UWSA), a popular non-partisan political activist group that was started by Ross Perot after the 1992 election. UWSA worked to convince Congress to stop their yearly deficit spending and to reduce the total national debt (over $4 trillion in 1993; now over $8.5 trillion in 2006). UWSA also tried to defeat the promoters of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and all "Free Trade", who have stolen U.S. jobs, eroded the tax-base, and have nearly destroyed our nation's sovereignty.

The loss of good jobs due to "Free Trade" can be estimated by the dramatic increase in our yearly Trade Deficit. In 1993, the U.S. Trade Deficit was under $100 billion per year. In 2006, the U.S. Trade Deficit is exceeding $800 billion dollars per year. Economists estimate job loss at 20,000 jobs for each billion dollars in trade deficit. 20,000 X 800 is 16,000,000 jobs. After World War II the U.S. produced over 90% of its goods, and in 2006 we produce about 20% of our goods. The U.S. is rapidly losing the "value-added" jobs necessary to be a great nation, based on Mining, Manufacturing, and Agriculture. Small farms are being destroyed by a policy of exporting one third of U.S. produce and importing one third of the meat, grain, fruit, etc. we consume, "dumped" at cut-throat prices by multi-national Agri-Business and usually uninspected.

In 1996, she helped collect petitions to get ballot access for the Reform Party of Kansas, and she has been active in the Party ever since.

In the 1990s, following the suggestion of Chuck Harder, a radio talk show host in Florida, Joy also helped found the Concerned Citizens of the Heartland, a group that discusses issues and aims to educate citizens about legislative actions in the U.S. Congress, Kansas Legislature, and Local Government.

Bob Dacy - Republican Linked to Chinagate, Media Empire, and Voting Machines Running for Congress

"Chinagate was all about agents of the communist Chinese government and rocket industry funneling cash into President Clinton's re-election campaign in exchange for technology transfers that gave them the ability to launch and target intercontinental ballistic missles against the United States. One of the conduits for that cash was Johnny Chung. DOJ attorney Michael McCaul did indeed "prosecute" Chung, but McCaul agreed to a sentence of probation and community service.The truth: McCaul , while working for Janet Reno, let this smaller fish go and failed to go after the bigger fish." - Bob Dacy

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Bob Dacy - The American Union

Expert Bob Dacy joins Alex Jones in studio to discuss the plan to merge the US, Mexico and Canada into a sovereignty stripping American Union - a move towards global government of which the Bush administration has quietly set about creating the infrastructure for behind the scenes.

Dacy also discusses the NAFTA Superhighway, set to snake across the country and synthesize with toll road tracking systems that suffocate Americans everywhere they travel, via GPS black boxes installed in all cars by law.

Link to Interview (membership required)

Audio MP3 available...

MInuteman Operation U-Turn Rally - Sept. 30

2025-01-05 02:17
2025-01-05 02:17

Stop illegal immigration, Kansas City Smart Port, and the NAFTA highway. Find out what you can do. Map link

Bob Dacy - It’s the Law! Feds Pave the Way to Toll and Privatize the Interstate Highways

"On July 29, 2005, President Bush signed a bill which permits and promotes the charging of tolls on existing and planned interstate highways, bridges, and tunnels. Before the passage of the bill, known as SAFETEA-LU, or “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users”, it was generally illegal to charge tolls on roads built with Federal funds. What’s more, the tolls collected will be automatic, requiring universally compatible toll transponder tags on every vehicle.

SAFETEA-LU makes possible a variety of programs, all aimed at forcing Americans to pay to travel." - Bob Dacy

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Roger Tucker, Candidate For Congress Position On Issues

Federal Government control, illegal immigration, invasion, global war on terrorism. trade deficits and budget busting federal programs. These are areas touched on in a recent news release to the Lawrence Journal-World.

Jim Hoffman - Science Applied to the 9/11 WTC Collapse - Sept. 2

2025-01-05 02:17
2025-01-05 02:17

Independent researcher, software engineer, mathematician, and inventor Jim Hoffman will discuss the science applied to the 9/11 World Trade Center collapse at Uptown Theater.

Independent researcher, software engineer, mathematician, and inventor Jim Hoffman will discuss the science applied to the 9/11 World Trade Center collapse on Sept. 2nd, 2006, from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM and 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at Uptown Theater.

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