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archivesConstitutional Principles
Statement of PrinciplesSet the Highest Ethical Standards For the White House and Congress. Continue to Balance the Budget. Campaign Reform. Carefully Put Together Plans to Deal with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. ImmigrationRecognizing that the federal government has conspicuously failed to secure our nation's borders against illegal immigration and that its failure undermines the rule of law, violates our national sovereignty, and imposes intolerable social and fiscal burdens on the American people, the Reform Party of KS supports ...
EducationWhereas our United States Constitution does not grant powers to the Federal Government other than those enumerated therein, we call for the dismantling of the Department of Education. The Federal Government shall not regulate nor intervene in our schools. Neither shall it provide or endorse a particular world-view or philosophy, in keeping with the First Amendment which prohibits the establishment of a religion. For the responsibility to educate our youth belongs to the people, in particular to the parents or legitimate guardian of the child, and this right shall not be denied them. They shall have the right to choose the method of education that shall include but not be limited to: private schools, correspondence schools, home schooling or public schools run by local and independent school boards, whose members are elected in fair elections, free from special interest groups, union and political influence. HealthcareWe shall support reform of the health care system that returns control of the system to its patients. We must return the individual's right to control their own medical and health decisions. Environment
Social Issues/Civil RightsThe Reform Party of KS supports passage of legislation designating English as the official language of the United States. We, the Reform Party of KS, wholeheartedly support Second Amendment rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and as given to us by Almighty God. The Reform Party of KS strongly supports the traditional family as ordained by God and built upon the marital union of one man and one woman. A people cannot be considered free if they fear their own government. As control of the law enforcement apparatus has been slowly transferred to our federal government and the threat looms of control being transferred to unelected transnational overseers, fear of our own government will naturally rise. ... The Reform Party of KS takes a strong stand against the rise of state police powers and laws that allow for the people to be penalized in fines and property seizures without due process of law. Welcome Home!Many corporate, national, and international groups are taking away our rights and freedoms for their own profit. They succeed in their goals to establish global fascist feudalism primarily by dividing us, pitting each of us against our neighbors, and by trapping us in vices that put our own passions at odds with our better judgement, keeping us from uniting for our common cause of protecting our freedoms from greedy, selfish tyrants. Take a moment to look up and see the forces that are manipulating us for their own purposes. Please, Join Us in Reform. Click to sign up! 2006 Candidate AppealWe are quickly approaching the 2006 State Convention of the Reform Party of Kansas. This meeting is also the nominating caucus for the selection of our slate of candidates to run in November 2006 (looks like Nov. 7th). The State Convention/Caucus will be on May 27th or June 3rd in Maple Hill, KS. If you are interested in running for office on the Reform Party of Kansas ballot, or if you know someone who might be, please let me know, or let them know that they can contact me: Joseph Martin We need to reclaim this country and state for Americans against the growing hostility against us, both domestic and foreign. Many of our problems today are due to the lack of good candidates over the last several decades (and an abundance of self-serving politicians). |
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