

Wake up and Smell the Treason! They are not selling us out, they are giving away our security and propsperity to foreign powers.

Bob Dacy - It’s the Law! Feds Pave the Way to Toll and Privatize the Interstate Highways

"On July 29, 2005, President Bush signed a bill which permits and promotes the charging of tolls on existing and planned interstate highways, bridges, and tunnels. Before the passage of the bill, known as SAFETEA-LU, or “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users”, it was generally illegal to charge tolls on roads built with Federal funds. What’s more, the tolls collected will be automatic, requiring universally compatible toll transponder tags on every vehicle.

SAFETEA-LU makes possible a variety of programs, all aimed at forcing Americans to pay to travel." - Bob Dacy

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Bill Moyers - "Democracy can’t exist without an Informed Public"

"[I]n the zesty progressivism of early New Deal days, the Federal Communications Act of 1934 was passed (more on this later.) The aim of that cornerstone of broadcast policy, mentioned over 100 times in its pages, was to promote the “public interest, convenience and necessity.” The clear intent was to prevent a monopoly of commercial values from overwhelming democratic values – to assure that the official view of reality – corporate or government – was not the only view of reality that reached the people. Regulators and regulated, media and government were to keep a wary eye on each other, preserving those checks and balances that is the bulwark of our Constitutional order.

What would happen, however, if the contending giants of big government and big publishing and broadcasting ever joined hands? Ever saw eye to eye in putting the public’s need for news second to free-market economics? That’s exactly what’s happening now under the ideological banner of “deregulation.” Giant megamedia conglomerates that our founders could not possibly have envisioned are finding common cause with an imperial state in a betrothal certain to produce not the sons and daughters of liberty ..." - Bill Moyers

Full text of Keynote Speech

Roger Tucker, Candidate For Congress Position On Issues

Federal Government control, illegal immigration, invasion, global war on terrorism. trade deficits and budget busting federal programs. These are areas touched on in a recent news release to the Lawrence Journal-World.

No Chipped Beef Please

If you are concerned about quality, quantity, and price of your next meal, you need to be concerned about this issue. How can a micro chip protect me?

Postings to Should Work Better

Postings on this site should work better, but let me know if you have any trouble adding material or get a blank page.

There was a problem because of a software upgrade, and I would like to know if you find any further problems.

Johnson County Sun - Energy summit draws crowd to hear experts

Excerpt from Johnson County Sun Article

Energy summit draws crowd to hear experts

A forum on the energy crisis facing many Americans every time they fill their gas tanks drew more than 50 residents from across Johnson County to the University of Kansas Edwards Campus, Overland Park, Tuesday.

Energy industry and government leaders expressed ideas and heard from people at U.S. Rep. Dennis Moore's forum, "Third District Energy Summit: A Call for Energy Independence."


Jason Littlejohn, Lawrence, said America has ignored oil resources, including at Alaska's North Slope and Gull Island. The comments are supported in a book by Lindsey Williams, who suggests the government is engaged in an "energy conspiracy."

Abner Deatherage, Prairie Village, who worked with the oil industry for 50 years prior to retirement, said untapped Alaskan oil deposits are real.

"I've got documentation," Deatherage said.

Moore said, "I'd like to see it."

Deatherage said he favors conservation and alternative fuel sources, but for them to have an effect could take 20 years versus the faster path offered by developing known U.S. oil supplies. He said those supplies could end dependence on the Middle East and cut price at the pumps by half.

"The oil is there," Littlejohn said.

Candidate Forum: Bandstand 2006 - Aug. 20 - South Park in Lawrence, KS

Bandstand 2006 is being held on Sunday, August 20, 2006, at South Park in Lawrence, KS. It is a prelude to the start of school in the Lawrence area.

Kelly Taylor - Coming Through! The NAFTA Super Highway

"All across America, mammoth construction projects are preparing to launch. The NAFTA Super Highway is on a fast track and it's headed your way. If you don't help derail it, you may soon be run over by it - both figuratively and literally.

"The NAFTA Super Highway is a venture unlike any previous highway construction project. It is actually a daisy chain of dozens of corridors and coordinated projects that are expected to stretch out for several decades, cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and end up radically reconfiguring not only the physical landscape of these United States, but our political and economic landscapes as well.

"In Texas, the NAFTA Super Highway is being sold as the Trans Texas Corridor. In simplest terms, the TTC is a superhighway system including tollways for passenger vehicles and trucks; lanes for commercial and freight trucks; tracks for commuter rail and high-speed freight rail; depots for all rail lines; pipelines for oil, water, and natural gas; and electrical towers and cabling for communication and telephone lines. One of the proposed corridor routes, TTC-35, is parallel to the present Interstate Highway 35 (I-35), slightly to the east, running north from Mexico to Canada. Its present scope is 4,000 miles long, 1,200 feet wide, with an estimated cost of $183 billion of taxpayer funds. It runs through Kansas City." - Kelly Taylor

Some Platform Points to Work On

Here are some comments on some of our platform points to look at. If anyone wants to propose changes, they can be considered and voted upon at a party meeting.

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