


Today we are seeing the results of our nation throwing away the sound doctrine that has served us so well, for so long. Today I see a nation where many of our children are having a difficult time judging right from wrong, a nation that my parents don't even recognize, a nation that has dramatically changed in just one generation.

Your care and concern is needed desperately. We are at a crossroads in our nation. Now is the time for good people to come to the aid of their country.


Time For a New Tea Party?

Who is standing for us? Where is the Operation American Freedom?

The FTAA & the New World Order Plan

In October of 2005, The New American magazine sent me to Waco to cover the "Free Trade in the Americas" conference at Baylor University. What I personally witnessed there confirmed what I already knew, that the globalists plan to turn the entire western hemisphere into an "American Union". Such a scheme would, by definition, destroy the national sovereignty of the United States of America.

At the Baylor conference, keynote speaker Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, former head of the World Trade Organization, current head of the United Nations Council on Trade and Development, and a devoted communist, stated that infrastructure projects were essential in order to physically link up all the regions of a "free trade" area. The other featured globalist at the conference, Richard Fisher, the chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, insisted that the FTAA, or Free Trade Area of the Americas, must be achieved.

This Site is for All Willing Reformers

Please make use of this site to collaborate on information for political reform in Kansas.


A Vote for the lessor of two evils is still a vote for evil.

Chairman of 9/11 Whitewash Commission sets stage for Al Qaeda Nuke Attack

Thomas Kean, the chairman of the 9/11 Commission, gave a lecture at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas last Friday, March 31st. I was there covering the event for my local TV talk show, "The Simple Truth". A synopsis of my observations follows.

The question and answer session after the speech was anything but spontaneous. The students had been pre-selected and were prepped in a conference room before the presentation. I saw them coming out of the room, and asked one of them if they were going to be the students asking the questions. She said "yes". The Q & A was a fake.

Texas: Keystone State of the FTAA

A little more than two years ago, political allies of Texas Governor Rick Perry quietly passed legislation creating the "Trans-Texas Corridor" (TTC). With the connivance of a largely silent press, the most expensive project in the state's history became law with scant public notice.

It's bad enough that the TTC will cost at least $185 billion, much of it derived from new toll taxes imposed on existing free roads. It's even worse that the project -- 4,000 miles of roads, rail lines, and other infrastructure crisscrossing the state, bypassing all of the cities -- will be built by a Spanish contractor rather than a firm based in the United States. But worst of all is the role to be played by this hugely expensive boondoggle in linking the transportation system of the United States with that of Mexico, thereby creating the infrastructure that will facilitate the creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).

UPDATE: Voting Problems Strike Again in Austin

I decided to make another attempt to cast my ballot, so I returned to precinct 228. The second time was the charm, because I succeeded . The election judge filled me in on all the details of this morning’s fiasco. No one was able to vote for 30 minutes because they had to replace all of the E-Slate voting machines and start over from scratch. The first batch of machines they received had not been programmed for the election! The nonsensical propositions I encountered were indeed the result of machines in “training mode”.

The election judge in charge did an admirable job of coping with the Hart Intercivic E-Slate disaster that befell his precinct. He contacted the poor lady who had tried to be the first voter of the day. She was a teacher at a local elementary school who had left the polling place presumably because she could not make sense of the fake ballot she encountered. She returned to the polls and cast her ballot.

Vote Fraud Hits Home

My name is Bob Dacy. I am the host of “The Simple Truth”, a political TV talk show cablecast in Austin, Texas. This morning, I attempted to vote before going to work. I say “attempted” because the Hart Intercivic E-Slate machines we use in Travis county prevented me from doing so.

I was the third voter in line, but, since one of the three machines at precinct 228 was not operational, I waited in line behind the first voter. She “voted” and left the booth. I entered the booth and put in my code number.

The ballot that appeared before me was complete nonsense. It was asking for my vote on such propositions as whether wheels should be mandated on office chairs, whether poll workers should be exempt from having to pay taxes, whether we should mandate 4 week vacations instead of 2 week vacations, and whether we should have a 3 day workweek. I looked at the poll worker nearby, a neighbor of mine, and asked him if this was a joke.

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