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Flyers - Reform Party of Kansas Candidates - Print Them and Distribute!

All Reform Candidate Flyers (RSS) [All Radio Ad MP3 Files]

Here you'll find links to Reform Party of Kansas Candidate Flyers.

Please print out these flyers and pass them out to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Leave several at doctors' offices, lobbies, post-offices, truck-stops, barber-shops, gas-stations. Include them in correspondence to Kansans.

Flyer - Jason Littlejohn - Reform Issues

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[External Page Link] [All Flyers]

So Whats so different about us REFORM people...

For far too long, those who have been fortunate enough to find themselves with the responsibility of being our representatives have often times grown accustomed to their appointments and often times have found that it is far better for themselves to keep a low profile and support positions that, unfortunately, ignore pressing issues of concern. As a Kansan and an American I have noticed many developments that are occuring all around us that are troubling both on a State wide and a National level. One of the true joy's in my life is my hobby as a journalist. For many years it has been my goal in life to expose problems and offer solutions. I believe that a wise thing to do is to interview people who have had success with various problems and then listen to those who have "been there and done that" .
I believe this process has been circumvented for a long time by a motivation to retain office at any cost. I want to break that mold.

PERU NAFTA EXPANSION Peru-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (PUFTA)

2024-05-18 04:06
2024-05-18 04:06

As a recap, GOP leaders plan to force a vote on the Peru NAFTA expansion (PUFTA) just after Election Day. That's right, the fired and retired members of Congress would come back in a "lame duck" Congressional session to avoid accountability for the Peru NAFTA expansion. Call your Members of Congress now.

Peru NAFTA Expansion Peru-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (PUFTA)

We told you about the Bush administration 'sneak attack' to shove through Peru NAFTA expansion. You responded, "TELL US MORE."
Listen to David's summary from today's call and find out how to make a difference.
Call your elected officials now

Flyer - Richard Ranzau - Freedom From Big Government

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Richard Ranzau
Candidate for Governor
Reform Party of Kansas

Freedom For Kansas

Freedom From Big Government

One of the most important assets I will take to Topeka is my basic approach to government. Abraham Lincoln said we have a government "of the people, by the people, for the people." Now, it may sound quaint, but I actually believe this is the type of government we should have.

So let me ask you, do we have a government "of the people, by the people, for the people"? Or do we have a government "of a select few, by the democrats and republicans, and for the lobbyists and special interest groups"?

I believe, as most Kansans do, that our government has become more about partisans politicians and which lobbyists can influence them the most. Fewer and fewer decisions are being made with the best interests of Kansans in mind. After all, who lobbies for the average hard-working citizens of Kansas?

As your governor, I will lobby for you and your rights without end. I am myself just an average citizen trying to get things done to help the people of Kansas. I will bring a philosophy and attitude that makes the rights and interests of individual Kansas citizens the first priority. This will be reflected in the way I make decisions and approach legislation.

Flyer - Richard Ranzau - Freedom From Illegal Immigration

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Richard Ranzau
Candidate for Governor
Reform Party of Kansas

Freedom For Kansas

Freedom From Illegal Aliens

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the cost to the federal government for illegal immigration is $10 billion per year and will increase to $29 billion if amnesty is granted. The annual cost for Kansas taxpayers is currently estimated at $235 million per year, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform. That is nearly $1 billion paid directly by the Kansas taxpayers in the last four years!

Considering the high cost to the taxpayers of Kansas and the significant debate going on within our country concerning illegal immigration, you would think that the politicians in Topeka (led by the Governor) would be aggressively seeking to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants into our state.

Amazingly, they have taken the opposite approach. The legislature, with the approval of the Governor, has decided to give more incentives for illegal immigrants to come to our state by giving them in-state tuition. That's right, come to our state illegally, and we will reward you by reducing the cost of your college tuition (not to mention the fact you are allowed to attend at all).

Now, does that really make any sense to you? Me neither.

Have you ever heard of the Book: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America?

Yes, and I've read it.
50% (1 vote)
Yes, and I'd like to read it or a review of it.
50% (1 vote)
Yes, but I don't plan to read it.
0% (0 votes)
No, but I'd like to read it or a review of it.
0% (0 votes)
No, and I'm not interested in the subject.
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 2

Candidate Flyer - Joseph Martin for Kansas Secretary of State

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Vote for Joseph Martin

Our constitutional republic prevents tyrannical government by a separation of powers, with the executive and legislative branches accountable to the voting public; this safeguard is subverted if the vote cannot be verified to be accurate by the public.
Computerized voting machines pose many threats to our democratic election process, since malfunctions can lose votes, and vote counts cannot be independently verified.

The cost of doing business in Kansas continues to rise.

We need to make sure that only legal Kansas residents can register to vote in Kansas.

If you want reform, Vote Reform!

Vote Joseph Martin For Secretary of State
November 7th, 2006

Reform Education?

We have a great school, there is nothing wrong with our school, none of that goes on...

Topeka, Shawnee County Candidate Forum - Oct. 26

2024-05-18 04:06
2024-05-18 04:06

An all candidates forum for contested offices in Shawnee County invites participation.