NAFTA / CAFTA / FTAA / American Union, Deindustrialization / Loss of Jobs

ARAPA Article - USDA Poised to Push Us Off Our Farms With the National Animal Identification System

"We are farmers. We care for the land and for our livestock. It is our chosen work. And it defines us in glorious ways, but only to ourselves and with others of our persuasion. Not to the wider public, not to the masses of men and women. Not today. Today we are quaint anachronisms as disconnected from their view of the landscape and their forkful of food as the disconnect they feel with self-reliance. For the longest time we have enjoyed the assurance that has come from our own working intimacy with the practical and achievable notions of self-sufficiency. We have enjoyed our freedoms. We could plant most anything we wished. We could parent strains of livestock as we choose. We have been free and not always fully grateful for that freedom. Oft' times it would take a broadside, a sneak attack, a terrible calamity for us to rise up and realize that the core of who and what we are is deserving of our best efforts at self-preservation. When we feel something or someone tearing at our middle, if it's not too late, we do rally to save our farms, our farming and ourselves." - Lynn Miller

ARAPA - Animal ID Meeting at Conway AR


Stand up for your rights! This will not just affect animal owners, small farmers, and large producers, but every Arkansan through the food supply. If we can get enough people to this meeting, we might be able to stop the National Animal Identification System in its cradle! Senator Holt Plans on attending and we request your presence as well:

National Animal Identification System is subject of State-wide meeting this Sunday, July 9th, 4:00 pm. Sponsored by the Arkansas Animal Producers Association, a band of small farmers, the purpose of the meeting is to encourage the State of Arkansas to opt-out of the state-optional USDA program.

WHERE: Conway, Arkansas at the Agora Center at 705 E. Siebenmorgen Road

Essential Issues: Evils With Which There Can Be No Tolerance Or Compromise

Anyone who believes there is no objective reality will probably be comfortable within the Democrat Party or the Republican Party or both, so hopefully everyone interested in the Reform Party will be able to agree that there are objective truths that are true even if nobody believes them, and are right even if everyone says they are wrong.

Issue Idea - Kansas Leadership Should Focus on Kansans - Not Big Corporations

Why does Kansas court specific high-profile national corporations and yet at the same time tax and regulate the local families and businesses of Kansans into oblivion?

Short answer:
Kansas Government takes Kansans for granted.

IT’S THE LAW! Feds Pave the Way to TOLL and PRIVATIZE the Interstate Highways as Part of AMERICAN UNION

On July 29, 2005, President Bush signed a bill which permits and promotes the charging of tolls on existing and planned interstate highways, bridges, and tunnels. Before the passage of the bill, known as SAFETEA-LU, or “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users”, it was generally illegal to charge tolls on roads built with Federal funds. What’s more, the tolls collected will be automatic, requiring universally compatible toll transponder tags on every vehicle.

SAFETEA-LU makes possible a variety of programs, all aimed at forcing Americans to pay to travel.



Today we are seeing the results of our nation throwing away the sound doctrine that has served us so well, for so long. Today I see a nation where many of our children are having a difficult time judging right from wrong, a nation that my parents don't even recognize, a nation that has dramatically changed in just one generation.

Your care and concern is needed desperately. We are at a crossroads in our nation. Now is the time for good people to come to the aid of their country.


Time For a New Tea Party?

Who is standing for us? Where is the Operation American Freedom?

CAFTA / North American Union

Why We Need To Vote The Politicians Out

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